Establishment in Belgium

You are a foreign architect and you wish to settle in Belgium, you will need to apply for registration
- Architectes
- Foreign architect registration
- Establishment in Belgium
Registration in the table as a natural person
The province where your main business is located determines the Council where you must apply for registration.
Note: 1 ) Foreign architects wishing to settle in Brussels must apply either to the Brussels-Capital & Walloon Brabant Council or to the Flemish Brabant Council depending on the chosen language regime.
In the case of registration in one of the five Councils of the French- and German-speaking section, the procedure is carried out in French or German.
2) If the headquarters of your professional activity is not yet known, you are invited to contact the secretariat of Cfg-OA ( beforehand, which will guide you to the most suitable Order Council and enable you to obtain a decision promptly.

How to proceed?
- Previously register on the system through an identification questionnaire
- Once registered on the system, request a password (your ID is your email address) at the Order Council* where you wish to settle to access the tab «Requests» in the system*
*To contact the Order Councils:
- Conseil de Bruxelles-Capitale et du Brabant wallon
- Conseil du Hainaut
- Conseil de Liège
- Conseil du Luxembourg
- Conseil de Namur
3. Access the "Application for registration in the table" and upload your documents.
You must upload the following documents
- a copy of your diploma
* If applicable, you also need to submit the certificate with the diploma (required in accordance with Annex V of Directive 2005/36 / EC of 7 September 2005 of the European Parliament and Council on the recognition of professional qualifications).Example: If you have an Italian diploma, you will have to download a copy of the certificate of completion of the Italian state exam in addition to your diploma. - an excerpt of your criminal record dated less than 3 months (from your municipal administration or, failing this, from your embassy or the competent administration of the country of origin);
- if applicable, a certificate of registration with the Order of Architects of the country where you practiced the profession of architect, which must mention the period during which you were registered with the Order;proof of professional and ten-year liability insurance.
- a royal decree authorising the exercise of the profession of architect in Belgium (only if you come from a country outside the European Union or State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or outside the Agreement on the Free Movement of persons between Switzerland and the Member States of the European Union).
It can be obtained from the : Ministère du Premier Ministre - Services Fédéraux des Affaires scientifiques, Techniques et Culturelles Boulevard Simon Bolivar 30 Bte 7, 1000 Bruxelles - Tel. : +32 (0)2 238 34 11 -
- a decree of the Government of the French Community establishing the equivalence of your degree with the Belgian legal diploma of architect (only if you are both from a country outside the European Union or State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or outside the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons between Switzerland and the Member States of the European Union AND holder of a diploma issued in a State outside the European Community or a State Party to the Agreement on the Economic Area European Union or outside the Agreement on Free Movement of Persons between Switzerland and the Member States of the European Union).
It can be obtained from: Service de la Reconnaissance académique et professionnelle des diplômes étrangers rue Adolphe Lavallée, 1 - 1080 BruxellesTel. : +32 (0)2 690 89 00
The amount of the membership fee is adjusted each year.
Registration in the trainees list
The province where the professional activity of your tutor is located determines the Council where you must submit your application.
Note: For internships abroad, the competent Council of the Order is that of the province of your place of residence in Belgium.

How to proceed?
- Previously register on the system through an identification questionnaire
- Once registered on the system, request a password (your ID is your email address) at the Council of the Order where you wish to settle to access the tab « Requests » in the system
* To contact the Councils of the Order:
- Conseil de Bruxelles-Capitale et du Brabant wallon
- Conseil de Hainaut
- Conseil de Liège
- Conseil de Luxembourg
- Conseil de Namur
3. Access the "Application for registration in the list of trainees" and upload your documents
Upload the following documents
- a copy of your diploma or, failing that, a certificate from the institution that issued the diploma;
- a copy of the internship contract, completed and signed. Please choose from the standard contracts the one corresponding to your situation: traditional internship contract, non-traditional internship contract (as well as the list of tasks that will be entrusted to you), internship contract abroad (French or English version)
- the Internship Regulation signed "for agreement" by you and your tutor (French or English version);
- the Internship Recommendation signed by you and your tutor (French or English version);
- an excerpt from your criminal record dated less than 3 months (from your municipal administration or, failing that, from your embassy or the competent administration of the country of origin);
- a decree authorising the exercise of the profession of architect in Belgium (only if you come from a country outside the European Union or State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or outside the Agreement on the free movement of persons between Switzerland and the Member States of the European Union).
This can be obtained from: Ministère du Premier Ministre - Services Fédéraux des Affaires scientifiques, Techniques et Culturelles - avenue Louise 231 - 1050 Bruxelles- Tel. : +32 (0)2 238 34 11 -
- a decree of the "Fédération Wallonie - Bruxelles" establishing the equivalence of your degree with the the specific diploma of “master en architecture” (only if holder of a diploma issued in a State outside the European Community or a State Party to the Agreement on the Economic Area European Union or outside the Agreement on Free Movement of Persons between Switzerland and the Member States of the European Union).
This can be obtained from: Introduire une demande - Diplômes de l'Enseignement Supérieur
The amount of the membership fee is adjusted each year.
You can practice your profession as an architect through a legal entity registered with the Order of architect, provided certain conditions are met.
This legal entity must be registered on one of the Ordre's Tables. These legal entities are known as "Laruelle".
The conditions are set out in article 3, §2 to 4 of the law of February 15, 2006 on the exercise of the profession within the framework of a legal entity (known as the Laruelle law).

How to proceed?
The special feature of "Laruelle" legal entity is that they protect the personal assets of the architects who form them.
1. Use to request validation of your articles of association and upload a draft deed.
2. As soon as the draft deed has been validated by the Council of the Order of architects and the deeds have been signed, use the newly-created legal entity tab to submit a request for registration on the Table, and upload all the relevant documents (e.g. certificate of filing with the Registry of the relevant Commercial Court, certificate of professional liability insurance, ....).
3. As soon as you receive confirmation of your legal entity's registration on the Table, you will be authorized to practice architecture on behalf of the legal entity.
4. If you encounter any difficulties, contact the secretary of the Council of the Order where your company's head office is located.
The amount of the membership fee is adjusted each year.
Template for the articles
To help you with your registration, the Order provides you with a template for the articles of association of "Laruelle" companies*.
*Use of this model is not mandatory.

The Councils rule within 30 days on applications for establishment from nationals of EU member states and other states to which Directive 2005/36/EC applies, authorized to practice the profession of architect in Belgium under article 1 of the law of February 20, 1939 on the protection of the title and profession of architect (holders of a qualification listed in this article). Where applicable, the Councils inform the applicant within this time limit of any missing documents (articles 8§1 and 17, paragraph 3 of the law of June 26, 1963 creating an Order of Architects ).
The Councils rule within 30 days on applications for the establishment of non-EU nationals authorized to practice architecture in Belgium under article 8 of the law of February 20, 1939 on the protection of the title and profession of architect (holders of evidence of formal qualifications listed in Directive 2005/36/EC or a Royal Decree establishing the equivalence of their diploma with the specific Belgian master's degree in architecture, and holders of an authorization to practice architecture issued by the FPS for Scientific Policy Programming*). Where applicable, the Councils will inform the applicant within this period of any missing documents (articles 8§1 and 17, paragraph 3 of the law of June 26, 1963 creating an Order of Architects).
*NB: EU third-country nationals with stateless or refugee status and those in possession of an F+ permanent residence permit are exempt from the requirement to obtain a decree authorizing them to practice architecture from the FPS for Scientific Policy Planning (Royal Decree of March 3, 1966 authorizing certain stateless architects or political refugees to practice architecture in Belgium and article 24.1 of Directive 2004/38/EC).
The Councils rule within 3 months (from submission of a complete file) on applications for establishment from non-EU nationals holding evidence of formal qualifications issued in a non-EU country that has already been recognized by another member state, in which they have acquired at least 3 years' professional experience (article 1§4 of the law of February 20, 1939 on the protection of the title and profession of architect and article 17, paragraph 3 of the law of June 26, 1963 creating an Order of Architects).
The Councils rule within a period of three months (which may be extended by one month) on applications for establishment under the general system of recognition of diplomas (applicants with no diploma, certificate or other qualification referred to in article 1, §§ 2 to 2/3, or appendix 1a, of the law of February 20, 1939 on the protection of the title and profession of architect) (article 8/1, paragraph 2 of the law of June 26, 1963 creating an Order of Architects).

When the Councils adopt a refusal decision, they notify the interested party by registered letter. The latter may lodge an appeal against this decision with the French-speaking Appeal Council of the Order of Architects (Mrs Christine SCHUMACKER, Greffier du Conseil d'appel d'expression française de l'Ordre des architectes c/o Greffe de la Cour d'appel, Palais de justice, Place Saint-Lambert 16, 4000 Liège) in accordance with the forms and deadlines laid down in article 26 of the June 26, 1963 law creating an Order of Architects.
In the absence of a decision (on a request for establishment) within the time limit laid down in article 17, § 1, paragraph 4 of the June 26, 1963 law creating an Order of Architects, an appeal to the French-speaking Appeals Council of the Order of Architects (Mrs Christine SCHUMACKER, Greffier du Conseil d'appel d'expression française de l'Ordre des architectes c/o Greffe de la Cour d'appel, Palais de justice, Place Saint-Lambert 16, 4000 Liège) is also open to applicants for recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications in the field covered by Directive 2005/36/EC (article 26, paragraph 3 of the law of June 26, 1963 creating an Order of Architects).
Last update on June 25, 2024.

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