Single project or occasional services in Belgium

Do you wish to practice in Belgium?
- Architectes
- Foreign architect registration
- Single project or occasional services in Belgium
If you wish to carry out a single project or perform occasional services in Belgium and you are a national of a country of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, you must request your registration on the register of service providers held by the National Council of the Order of Architects.
To be registered in the register of service providers, simply send a request for service provision, preferably by email, to the legal department of the National Council of the Order of Architects. This request must include several documents listed below.
The procedure is free of charge and can be carried out in French, Dutch, German or English.
- A copy of the diploma, certificate or other title listed in one of the annexes of the European directive 2005/36/EC of 7 September 2005 of the European parliament and council relating to the recognition of professional qualifications
- Proof that the beneficiary is legally performing the activities in question in the Member State where he/she is established (certificate issued by your Order). If neither the profession nor the training leading to the profession is regulated in the Member State of establishment, proof that you have acquired at least one year's practical experience during the ten years preceding the service . This proof can be provided by any means.
- Information relating to insurance cover or other means of personal or collective protection concerning professional liability.
- The proof of nationality of the service provider (copy of the identity card or passport) ;
- The pre-declaration form for first-time provision of services
- A declaration form on the mission of the architect (for each planning permission)
- A statement on the honour attesting that the architect(s) who submitted the above documents will be sole responsible for the design and control of the performance of the work for the project in the name of and on behalf of the company, when the request for service is introduced by a legal person (insured).

Once you have submitted these documents, the National Council will check, at its next monthly meeting, whether you are entering into the conditions provided by the European directive 2005/36/EC of 7 September 2005 of the European parliament and council relating to the recognition of professional qualifications. If this is the case, you will receive a certificate of registration on the list of service providers.The Council of the Order - which will be responsible in particular for ensuring that you comply with the code of ethics - will also receive this certificate.In due course, you will also have to send the declaration of end of service to the National Council.
Do not forget to renew the declaration once a year when the project extends over several years or when you wish to provide other services on a temporary or occasional basis in Belgium during the year in question.
If you wish to appeal against the decision made by the National Council of the Order of Architects pursuant to article 38 bis of the law of 26 June 1963 creating an Order of Architects, you must submit your appeal within thirty days by registered letter delivered by post to the competent Appeals Council pursuant to article 26 of the law of 26 June 1963.The time limits for appeals run from the day after the registered letter containing notification of the decision, which is the subject of the appeal, was deposited in the post office, unless the interested party can prove that it was unable to be reached by the notification. In this case, the time limits do not begin to run until the day following the day on which the interested party became aware of the decision.
C/o Mme Schumacker, Greffière
Greffe de la Cour d’Appel
Palais de Justice
Place Saint-Lambert, 16
4000 LIEGE
Last update on June 7, 2024.
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